

Name: Heidi Peters
Age: 43
Diagnosis: Breast Cancer, Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)
Years of Survivorship: was just diagnosed January 2020
Location: Victoria, MN

Follow Heidi on Instagram.


How has running or staying physically active affected your cancer journey? 

Daily physical activity, particularly running, has strengthened me not only physically, but also mentally, as I continue to wrap my head around acceptance of diagnosis and treatment. I have been prone to anxiety and mild depression since I was a teenager, and for me, running has been the key outlet to lift my mood and feel better all around. Even if stuck indoors on a track or a treadmill amid our chilly MN winter, just getting in a couple miles makes a world of difference.


What advice do you have for people on staying fit throughout their cancer treatment or recovery?

Any little bit counts...I find I get MORE tired if I sit on the couch too long. Take a short 15 minute walk...do a few yoga stretches...do a few reps with some light weights. Just something to move your body and get the blood flowing!

What are some of your proudest accomplishments since being diagnosed with cancer?

I had taken my usual hiatus from running this winter and had just started to think about spring training when I was diagnosed. After a week or two of a whirlwind of emotions, I decided I was bound and determined to fight this...and to make June my month of a comeback Half Marathon. I resumed running in February, two days after having a lumpectomy. I was ready to get out there and run even as I faced radiation treatment in March. In April, and one month after finishing radiation I set a five minute time trial PR in the 5k And continue to run even stronger and faster. I feel like a superhero! While my wedding has been postponed until September (pandemic!), I’m still keeping a positive attitude and setting a shining example for my family and those out there braving cancer. Never let anything drag you down; you’re stronger than you think!


How has Gabe's story impacted you or changed the way you view life as a cancer patient/survivor?

Being a fellow Minnesotan, I have followed Gabe's story for quite some time, having even heard her speak at a local running store a few years back. Her positivity in the face of sheer adversity has been a total and complete inspiration for me during this time. I hope to be as strong mentally as she was!

What does being #BraveLikeHeidi mean to you?

Brave means facing a terrible diagnosis, but coming out stronger than ever. I am a mom to three kids (my 6 yo daughter and 8/11 yo stepsons) and being brave means showing them that I am stronger than this disease. Mom can beat this!

What are you most looking forward to in the near future?

My July wedding....fall racing...and enjoying every single moment with my family!

Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you?

I am plant based and a true believer that eating a rainbow of veggies and staying active is the key to a long and healthy life!